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How long can a Lattoo spin?

Lattoo spin duration depends on lots of factors like which material is used to make it, who is spinning, how…


Why does the Lattoo stay upright?

Lattoo stays upright because it contains angular momentum, a spinning top virtually returns to its original position because it is…


How makes a good Lattoo?

It takes science to create a top that spins well. The top must be balanced and the weight must be…


What is the cost of a Lattoo?

Even today, the spinning top, or Lattoo, remains a popular game in Indian villages. This game can be played by…


Who invented the spinning top?

We humans are intrigued by items that dance before our eyes, whether it’s a carousel or a skater’s spin, a…


What is a dead stone in Lagori?

Dead stones are stones that have no chance of fleeing enemy territory (exceptions exist). Both players assume that any further…
