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What are the disadvantages of the Kho-Kho game?


As every coin has two faces in the same way, playing Kho Kho has both advantages and disadvantages. So today we are going to discuss some of the disadvantages of the game. These may differ from person to person.  

Disadvantages of Kho Kho

1. Injuries 

Unfortunately, when you participate in sports, injuries are unavoidable. They might range from mild muscle pulls and strains to broken bones and more serious injuries. Sometimes, no matter what medical procedures you try, an injury just won’t go away and continues reappearing. 

Even if you are not harmed, you may find yourself nursing aches and pains after playing for several days at a time as you become older.

2. Sore Losers

Amateur sports are intended to be enjoyable, but say that to a bitter loser. Sore losers drain the fun out of the game. It’s difficult to deal with their fragile egos, nasty tempers, and antisocial behaviour. Even if you beat them fairly and squarely, they will infer that you cheated or invent some other justification to detract from any sense of accomplishment you may have. 

It’s not just young people who suffer from this; in fact, middle-aged males can be the most bitter losers.

3. Expense 

When it comes to sports, there might be a lot of hidden costs. Clothing, club dues, coaching fees, and equipment can all add up to a significant financial drain over time. Out-of-town tournaments and competitions might result in significant transportation and accommodation fees.

4. Snobbery

There’s always some braggart who needs to brag about how they have all of the best gear, the most costly attire, and how they participate in all of the most prestigious coaching. In every sport, I’ve met them. It’s worse when you’re young, but in my experience, the phenomenon occurs at all ages.

5. Cliques

Some sports clubs are friendly, hospitable, and welcoming, while others are a social nightmare. For years, some clubs have had the same leadership and membership, each with their own set of duties and ways of doing things. 

Alternatively, the club or team is made up of people who belong to a particularly specific social, economic, or age category. As a newcomer, you may find it tough to fit in socially, and regardless of how well you play, it is difficult to be selected for the team or to feel welcomed.

6. Sportsmanship 

Unfortunately, in amateur sports, the practise of adhering to a strict and literal interpretation of the rules while entirely disregarding the spirit of the laws, generally by adopting a variety of dubious ploys and strategies to obtain an advantage, is still alive and well. 

This is a sad state of affairs for those of us who want to have fun or compete fairly. Over the years, I’ve witnessed more than enough poor behaviour on the part of individual players, captains, and teams, and the consequences are always detrimental for sport and its enjoyment.

7. Weather Issues 

If you participate in an outdoor sport, you are fully reliant on the weather to cooperate.

8. Time Commitment

Practices, coaching sessions, matches, and tournaments can quickly consume your time, especially if you have to travel. Then there are the team’s social gatherings, time spent shopping for and replacing clothing or equipment, and time spent seeking support and treatment for injuries. 

When you captain or coach a team, your time commitments grow dramatically compared to when you were a player, and you may find yourself messaging, emailing, and coordinating on a near-daily basis.