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What are the skills of Kabaddi?


Kabaddi, our own indigenous sport, has gone a long way since the Pro Kabaddi League’s start, thanks to the worldwide support of our supporters. The beauty of this sport is that it necessitates a certain set of abilities in order to perform well, regardless of whether it is played on a mat or in the dirt. Young people who aim to be the next Rahul Chaudhari or Pardeep Narwal see Kabaddi players as idols and heroes.

A world-class kabaddi player has an agile physique, a smart intellect, a fearless mentality, and a keen eye for detail. Another important factor that helps players overcome difficult periods in kabaddi is fitness. However, in kabaddi, athleticism alone isn’t enough; players must have unique abilities to separate out from the crowd. As a true fan, you should be familiar with the essential abilities of kabaddi.


Kabaddi is a court sport. Each squad consists of seven players. One team takes on the role of raider, while the other takes on the role of anti-raider. The game’s play is determined by the coin toss, which determines whether the toss-winning side shall raid or pick the court. Raids on the opponent’s court are permitted by any member. Within one breath of canting, the raider must raid and return to the safe zone.

If the raider is unable to touch the bulk line and return, touch one or more anti-raiders and return safely to their own court, or the raider is caught and halted to break the canting before returning to the safe zone, the raider is said to be out.

Defensive skills of Kabaddi Game


Defenders are all players who are on the mat on their side of the court when a raider from the other side is raiding. Defenders have unique abilities to pin down or tackle opponents. Here are some ideas for dealing with it.


When a raider is deep on one side of the court, taking advantage of corner defenders, he is caught off guard at the back when another defender totally blocks his path with his entire body.

Chain tackle

Coordination is crucial in this situation. When two or more defenders plot and construct a chain to block the raider’s route, one of the holds is executed to halt him in his region.

Waist hold

You will win this move if you have the strength! This tackle demands enormous power, since the defenders grasp the raider around the waist, depending on his position, and then drag him mid-air, disrupting his equilibrium and thus jeopardising his chance of escaping.

Ankle hold

Corner defenders are the ones that generally start this type of tackle. Defenders grasp the raider’s ankle as he attempts to sneak in an additional point, as the name implies.

Raider’s leg is raised to shoulder level, causing the raider to lose balance ( this should be applied when the defender is heavier and taller than the raider, and when there are fewer defenders on the court).

To keep the raider from escaping, the defender pulls his leg (literally) towards the raider’s upper torso ( pulling him back is best applied when the defender is shorter than the raider, when the defending team is incomplete, and when the raider is tackled nearer the midline)

When the raider is about to cross the midline into his team’s half of the field and the other defenders are ready to support this tackle, changing the raider’s direction (approximately 90 degrees to either sideline).

Thigh hold

Precision is crucial in this situation. Many cover defenders use this method, striking at the precise moment when the raider is changing directions and holding his thighs with both hands.

The following are the four types of thigh holds:

  • Corners/Covers (similar stance; but bear in mind that this Kabaddi defensive technique is best utilised when the raiding’s offensive style is quick) thigh hold without shifting position
  • Corners/Covers utilise a thigh hold in which they do a skipping movement (this kind works well when the raider is slower or checks his movements/speed).
  • Corners/Ins/Center players take one step forward and grab the raider’s thigh (when utilised by In/2nd players, this defensive talent might catch the raider off guard since in Kabaddi, the raider focuses on the Covers and Corners)
  • Only the Corners can use this hold from behind (it should be utilised when the raider changes direction/makes a sideways running movement towards the Corners’ zone, or when he returns to his original position to resume the raid).

Diving ankle holds

The defender is attempting to grasp both of the raider’s legs. Support is critical for this cover since the raider’s upper body may still be moving and attempting to flee. This is a more complex tackle that takes some experience. This is a common tactic used by young defenders. This sort of tackle, however, has an extremely low success rate.

Kabaddi Offensive Skills


Many of you may be familiar with hockey or football scoring, but how many of you are familiar with kabaddi scoring? In kabaddi, a player must earn a successful raid point in the attacking half of the opponent. After crossing the midline, the player enters the opponents’ court in an attempt to score a point by touching any of the defenders on the mat. Here are some kabaddi talents.

Hand touch

Hand touches are an important part of every raider’s arsenal. This simple technique demands appropriate practise and quick responses on the raider’s side. Hand touch may be divided into five categories:

Running hand contact, stooping hand touch, turning hand touch, hopping hand touch, and feint and touch are the five types of hand touches.

Toe touch

Only for the most experienced! When the Raiders want to avoid getting too close to the defenders, they utilise this tactic to touch them with their feet from a safe distance. A flexible body is required for a successful raid in order to develop and execute the lengthy leg stretch paired with time.


With his remarkable timing and talent, Pardeep Narwal, the superhero of the Pro Kabaddi League, popularised this approach in recent years. When a raider gets a point while bending below the arm reach of a swarm of defenders and effectively eluding their grasp.


Raiders utilise a variety of kicks, including back kicks, side kicks, and curves. This may be utilised to mislead the defence while keeping a safe distance from the antis. When the number of defensive players is low, this is an excellent talent to utilise.

Skills that are required

A guy must have skills in order to master methods. Offensive and defensive skills are the two major types of abilities that a kabaddi player must master. During a raid, for example, a raider must strive to touch the antis with all of his limbs. It will make scoring points for him and his squad much easier.