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What are pinnies in Soccer?

When watching a soccer match, it’s common to see players wearing green, red, or off-colored mesh vests. These vests will…


What are the fouls in Kho Kho?

Kho Kho is a game that originated in rural India. It is so popular that it is played in every…


How do Kho Kho Pole dive?

The chaser then pounces on the active runner and touches him out. Pole Diving is a unique style of diving.…


What is late Kho?

Kho Kho is a popular street game that most people have played at some point in their lives. However, most…


What is a free zone in Kho-Kho?

The free zone is the area left on both sides of the rectangular court. The chaser and the runner are…


What is a single chain in Kho-Kho?

Kho Kho is one of India’s and the subcontinent’s oldest and most popular traditional games. It’s a contact sport similar…
